How to buy GLX tokens with MetaMask.
How to buy GLX using Metamask Desktop
How to buy GLX using Metamask Mobile
Text manual for those who like to read:
Install MetaMask wallet in your browser from the official website by clicking this button:
You will be redirected to the extensions store of your browser. Click on "Install" or "Get" there and add MetaMask extension to your browser:
After installing MetaMask will open automatically. Click "Get Started":
On the next step click "Create a Wallet":
Come up with the password, save it in the safe place and click "Create" and then click "Next":
Click to this blurred block and you will see 12 words. Copy and save these words in some safe place. These words will be used for recovering your wallet in the future if you will lose access to it. Make sure you copied 12 words and click "Next":
On this step you should place 12 words in the right order as on the previous page. Just click on them one by one and then click "Confirm":
If all words were placed correctly, you will see the "Congratulations" page. Click "All Done":
Now MetaMask will be placed at the right top corner of your browser and you can launch it at any time you want. For unblocking the wallet use the password you came up with previously:
Now you need to top up your wallet with BNB. You can buy BNB on some decentralized or centralized exchange with another cryptocurrency or with a credit \ debit card. To get the address of your wallet for topping up just open MetaMask from the right top corner of the browser and click on "Account 1." Your address will be automatically copied to the buffer:
After you topped up the wallet go to the Galaxy website and press "Connect Wallet" button:
Select MetaMask:
Connect your wallet to the website by clicking "Connect":
Choose the currency and the desired amount of GLX tokens. Minimum available amount is 1 GLX. Click "Buy":
Make sure all is correct in the MetaMask window and click "Confirm" to buy GLX:
Wait a few minutes after clicking "Confirm." Your transaction must be validated and confirmed by the BNB Chain network. If you selected one of stablecoins as a payment method (USDT, USDC or DAI) you will have to confirm two transactions - one for the token spending approval and second for the buying GLX. So don’t leave the website after confirming the first transaction and wait for the second one. You will see a message in the right bottom corner when the transaction will be confirmed. Do not lose access to your address (to be precise your 12 seed words) — you will need it in the future to claim your tokens.
Last updated